Making A Donation

We get many requests annually from members of the public seeking ways they can support the Okanagan Indian Band. You can now make a contribution directly to OKIB to support our programs and services. Your donation will go towards the revitalization of sqilxʷ culture and nsqilxʷcen language. Scroll down for the donation form and to read about the programs and services you can support.

OKIB is a Qualified Donee and we are authorized to allocate donation receipts. All donations should be directed to [email protected].

If a charitable donation number is required, you may donate through the portal of North Okanagan Community Foundations at

Programs & Services

Since the time of our Creation stories, sqilxʷ people (peoples of the land) have worked to uphold our responsibilities to timx’w (life force, all of life). Our time-perfected systems of caretaking timx’w provided abundantly for the people and all of life in our homelands.

Now, living under the constraints of colonial impacts, the most important aspects of our culture have been undervalued and underfunded, making it difficult to provide what’s needed to pour back into our people. And what is needed is our culture and language.

So this year, in the name of building kinship and enacting all of our responsibilities back to these beautiful lands we call home we are asking for your financial support to ensure the preservation of our ways.

Contributing to the people of nk̓maplqs you are contributing to the dream of having a space and resources to continue to reawaken our sqilxʷ ways, to honour ourselves, our people, and our responsibilities to this place and time.

For more information please contact:

Sandie Derrickson
Fundraising Coordinator
Okanagan Indian Band
[email protected]