Heat safety reminder


With hot daytime temperatures expected to continue, OKIB members and residents are encouraged to do all they can to stay safe and cool. Living in the Okanagan, we are accustomed to hot sunny weather, but with sustained temperatures from 35 to 40 degrees C with little reprieve of cooler evening air temperatures, it is important to keep cool and stay aware.

OKIB is also reminding members of our community to check in on neighbours, friends and loved ones frequently — especially those who are more susceptible to heat illness.  For those who may need a reprieve from the heat, please note the availability of the Cooling Centres on IR# 1 available from Monday through to Friday at:

Head of the Lake Hall                       – 12:00 noon to 8:00pm

Salmon RIver/Round Lake Hall       – 12:00 noon to 8:00pm

New Horizons Centre                       – 12:00 noon to 8:00pm

Tips to avoid heat-related illness:

  • Plan your outdoor activity before 11 a.m. or after 4 p.m. to avoid the most intense sun.
  • Drink plenty of non-alcoholic fluids. Water is the best choice.
  • Avoid physical work or exercise outside in the heat of the day.
  • If you must work or exercise outside, drink two to four cups of water each hour, even before you feel thirsty.
  • Rest breaks are important and should be taken in the shade.
  • Apply sunscreen to prevent sunburn, but remember this doesn’t protect from the heat.
  • Stay in the shade, or create your own shade with lightweight, light-coloured, loose-fitting clothing, a wide brimmed hat, and/or an umbrella.
  • If you’re struggling to keep cool, move indoors to an air-conditioned building or take a cool bath or shower. At temperatures above 30°C (86°F), fans alone may not be able to prevent heat-related illness.
  • Never leave children or pets alone in a parked car. Temperatures can rise to 52° C (125° F) within 20minutes inside a vehicle when the outside temperature is 34° C (93° F). Leaving the car windows slightly open will not keep the inside of the vehicle at a safe temperature.
  • Regularly check older adults, infants and children, anyone under-housed with fewer options to avoid heat, those doing a lot of physical activity or working outside, and people with chronic disease or mental illness for signs of heat-related illness. Make sure they are keeping cool and drinking plenty of fluids. Check on those who are unable to leave their homes, and people whose judgment may be compromised.

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