Indian Bands come together for traditional gathering on t̓x̌aʔx̌ikn (Taheetkin)


October 23, 2024

t̓x̌aʔx̌ikn, Traditional Territory of the Upper Nicola and Okanagan Indian Bands – The Okanagan and Upper Nicola Band members came together Wednesday, October 23 in a ceremonial gathering on the land at t̓x̌aʔx̌ikn (pronounced as Taheetkin), a traditional gathering place of high spiritual value for the Syilx Nation.

“Traditional gatherings between our communities and other Syilx Nation members have always taken place on t̓x̌aʔx̌ikn or similar central locations,” said Daniel Manuel, Chief of the Upper Nicola Band. “The importance of gathering to share stories, to meet family and to strengthen connections cannot be understated. t̓x̌aʔx̌ikn continues to be a sacred area of great importance to our people.”

The event was well attended, with approximately 100 members attending the gathering to share stories, participate in traditional activities such as drumming and crafts, and to forage for food that the forest offers. But mostly it provides an opportunity to renew ties among families.

“We continue to honour t̓x̌aʔx̌ikn as a spiritual place of ceremony, hunting and gathering,” said Byron Louis, Chief of the Okanagan Band. “t̓x̌aʔx̌ikn continues to be an important part of our culture that is used in traditional ways to help teach our youth and to preserve our historical ways, which are still practiced today.”

t̓x̌aʔx̌ikn is located about 1½ hours drive from OKIB Reserve #1 and approximately one hour drive from the Upper Nicola Band at Douglas Lake. Attendees travelled many kilometers on forestry roads, at high elevation.

t̓x̌aʔx̌ikn is a mid-point between communities, so it has always been seen as a safe and sensible place to commune for ceremonial purposes. It is part of the traditional territories of both communities and hold special significance to the people, being the tallest point in the area, visible from many reserves.

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