Air quality warning: Smoke

Way’ Members,

Please be advised that in addition to a heat alert the province has also issued an air quality warning for smoke

Click here to view the full advisory: 2024-07-22_smoky-skies_issue.pdf

Here’s a few tips on how to best deal with the smoke:

During smoky conditions follow your common sense

• Stop or reduce your activity level if breathing becomes uncomfortable or you feel unwell.

• Stay cool and drink plenty of fluids.

• If you have asthma or other chronic illness, carry any rescue (fast-acting) medications with you at all times and activate your personal care plan that has been designed withyour family physician.

• Make sure that children and others who cannot care for themselves follow the same advice.

Monitor your symptoms

• People respond differently to smoke. Mild irritation and discomfort are common, and

usually disappear when the smoke clears.

• If you are unsure whether you need medical care, call HealthLink BC at 8-1-1.

• If you are experiencing difficulty in breathing, chest pain or discomfort, or a severe cough,

contact your health care provider, walk-in clinic, or emergency department. If you are having a medical emergency, call 9-1-1.

Tips to reduce your smoke exposure

• Smoke levels may be lower indoors but will still be elevated, so stay aware of your symptoms

even when you are indoors.

• Running a commercially available HEPA (high efficiency particulate air) filter can improve indoor air quality in the room where the device is located.

• If you have a forced air heating/cooling system in your home, it may help to change the filter and set the fan to run continuously.

• Reduce indoor air pollution sources such as smoking, burning incense, and frying foods.

• Consider going to a library, community center, or shopping mall with cooler filtered air to get some relief from the smoke.

• If travelling in a car with air conditioning, keep the windows up and the ventilation set to recirculate.

• If you are very sensitive to smoke, consider moving to another location with cleaner air, but be aware that conditions can change rapidly.

• Maintaining good overall health is a good way to prevent health effects resulting from short-term exposure to air pollution.

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