Q&A with Photographer Sophie Isaac (With photos from the 2024 ESSO Cup)

Q&A with Photographer Sophie Isaac (With photos from the 2024 ESSO Cup)

OKIB member Sophie Isaac recently achieved the goal of being accredited by Hockey Canada as a media photographer for the Esso Cup U18 Tournament that wrapped up in Vernon yesterday. We are sharing some of her photos of the games along with a brief Q&A about her passion. 

Q: What made you want to get into photography and specifically sports? Are you a hockey player yourself?

A: I used to play volleyball and I have felt all kinds of ups and downs during a game. I wanted to continue my involvement in sports in a way that would linger and show the best sides of every athlete. Hockey is a great sport to photograph when the tensions run high. Being able to capture the excitement, anticipation, joy, and heartbreak of every game to share with the fans, family, friends, and players is what I enjoy most about it. There are stories to tell and memories to look back on. It gives me great pleasure to contribute to the sports community and share my passion to capture the action. I am not a hockey player, I can’t skate, much less shoot a puck but I am willing to learn.

Q: Do you do other styles? Portraits? Wildlife etc? Is it a hobby or a passion?

A: I occasionally do casual portraits, landscape, and wildlife photography. When you live in the bush, nature has its way of presenting you a picture-worthy surroundings, such as the mountains during sunrise or a blue heron on the river. Exploring these styles is more of a hobby that I enjoy leisurely.

Q: Is there a photographer or artist that really inspires you?

A: Every photographer and artist I have met has inspired me in some way. I have met photographers through different events who have given me feedback and advice on starting my photography in sports. Their words of encouragement motivate me to keep learning and develop my photography. I have deep admiration for photographers that share their work to inspire others and I frequently see that with the people I follow online. I hope to have the same opportunities to share my love of photography as much as they all do

All photos Copyright 2024 Sophie Isaac.